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A Case of the Wiggles: What to Do if your Tooth is Loose

April 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crossroads_family_dentistry_va @ 3:18 am
Someone missing a tooth

Baby teeth coming loose and falling out is a rite of passage for everyone; as scary as it can be for children, it’s something that is natural and important for a child’s dental development.

However, an adult tooth coming loose, and even falling out, is something much more worthy of concern. It’s important to act immediately if you notice this happening in order to ensure the best possible outcome. Here’s what you should do if an adult tooth is loose.

Step 1: Schedule An Emergency Dental Appointment

The very first thing you should do if you notice one of your teeth has started wiggling is to call your dentist. You’re likely in a bit of a precarious situation where your tooth could fall out soon if nothing is done. It’s this critical to see a dentist as quickly as you can, ideally within the next 24 hours. If you explain your situation, your dentist will be happy to schedule you an emergency appointment.

Step 2: Keep Your Tooth in Place

You have the best odds of keeping your tooth long-term if it remains in your mouth. For that reason, you should refrain from doing anything that could dislodge it before you can get to the dentist’s office. Obviously, that means that you shouldn’t play with your tooth or wiggle it absentmindedly; however, you’ll also have to be conscientious when you’re eating to ensure that your tooth won’t come out of place.

It’s still important that you keep your teeth clean, but it’s a bad idea to do so by brushing and flossing. Instead, gently swish around warm water in order to dislodge food particles.

Step 3: Go to Your Appointment

Once you get to the dentist’s office, they’ll take a look at the circumstances of your smile and will tell more about the issue you’re facing. If the tooth has come loose because of injury, they might hold it in place with a dental splint until it heals. If the problem is gum disease, a deep cleaning may be in order.

If the tooth is too damaged to be saved, they’ll safely extract it and tell you about your options for replacement. Only a dentist will be able to tell you for sure what the correct move for you is.

About Our Practice

At Crossroads Family Dentistry, we know that dental emergencies can be scary. However, we believe that treating them doesn’t have to be; on the other hand, it can be a stress-free and easy experience. As a dental team, we take our role incredibly seriously and do everything we can to provide our patients with peace of mind. No matter what it is that brings you to our office, you’ll be able to breathe easy!

If you have any questions about a loose tooth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (434) 841-1704.

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