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7 Wild Braces Myths That Aren’t Really True

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crossroads_family_dentistry_va @ 2:50 pm
Two kids telling scary stories with a flashlight under a blanket.

Everyone loves a good urban legend. Myths are part of our collective history and have been used for centuries to pass down lore and traditions to newer generations. But that doesn’t mean they’re true. Still, it doesn’t always stop them from being spread, either.

If you’ve been considering metal braces but are hesitant because of something you’ve heard, it’s time you knew the truth. Here are some common (untrue!) myths about this extremely effective orthodontic treatment.

Myth #1: Braces Will Rust

Seems plausible, right? After all, they are made of metal. But fear not, the metal used in braces is a titanium alloy that will never rust, no matter if you wear them for four months or four years.

Myth #2: Braces Will Set Off Metal Detectors

Nobody wants to be stopped leaving the store or pulled out of line at the airport security checkpoint because they set off the metal detector, but that’s very unlikely to happen with braces. If you’re at all concerned, let the TSA agent manning the gate know that you have braces, but most likely they will tell you there’s no need for “alarm.”

Myth #3: Braces Will Interfere with Electronics

Do you have Bluetooth headphones, wireless internet, or cellular service? Your braces will not interfere with any of these signals, nor will they make you conduct electricity or broadcast music through your teeth!

Myth #4: Braces Will Attract Lightening

Your braces are not lightning rods and will not increase your risk of getting struck by lightning.  That being said, braces or not if you see lightning take cover in a safe area until it is safe to go back outside.

Myth #5: Braces Attract Fish

Wouldn’t it be cool if all you had to do to catch that prize-winning trout was open your mouth and reveal your braces? Imagine the fishing derbies you could win! Fortunately, (or maybe unfortunately) that’s not possible. Don’t take the bait: fish are not attracted to braces.

Myth #6: Braces Can Get Locked Together When Kissing

You may have seen that old trope where two teens with braces kiss and their braces get tangled together. Thankfully, the odds of this happening are very low. Braces are much more compact than they once were, and the danger of entanglement is pretty improbable.

Myth #7: You’re Too Old for Braces

False! You are never too old for braces. As long as your teeth and gums are healthy, you can sport them at almost any age. After all, everyone deserves a beautiful smile!

Remember, braces are a time-tested, safe, effective way to correct a variety of bite issues. Don’t let misinformation scare you out of getting the smile of your dreams. If you have any questions about something you’ve heard about braces, speak to your dentist for clarification.

About Our Practice

At Crossroads Family Dentistry we offer comprehensive, compassionate oral health care with a whole-body focus. That’s because we know that oral health affects overall health, and protecting both is essential to living a long and healthy life.

If you’re ready to take control of your smile with the help of braces, we’re here for you. To schedule an appointment to get started, please visit our website or call us at 434-841-1704.

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