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Why Does My Mouth Taste Bitter?

September 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crossroads_family_dentistry_va @ 12:30 pm
A person sticking out their tongue.

When it comes to the taste in your mouth, no news is good news. While it’s certainly nice to enjoy that minty-fresh flavor from your toothpaste, if you haven’t eaten or drank anything besides water recently, your mouth should taste neutral. But what happens when you notice a bitter taste? Here’s why if you’re experiencing an odd flavor that won’t go away even after brushing, it could be time to see the dentist.

Causes of Odd Flavors

Sometimes after we eat a spicy meal or drink a bold cup of coffee, the flavor lingers a bit longer than we’d like. But if you’re noticing a taste that doesn’t go away after brushing and can’t be attributed to any specific food or beverage, it could be the sign of a serious problem. Some common causes for taste changes include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Dry Mouth
  • Certain Medications
  • Oral Cancer
  • Tooth Infection
  • Gum Disease
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Burning mouth syndrome
  • Smoking
  • Oral thrush

How Do I Stop the Terrible Taste?

While the change in taste due to certain conditions like pregnancy should go away after birth, many of these other culprits may require intervention from your dentist to resolve. For medication related aftertaste or dry mouth, speak to your prescribing doctor about alternatives to your medication. If you still cannot find relief, stay hydrated and be sure to talk to your dentist about adding a moisturizing mouthwash or toothpaste to your regimen.

If you are not expecting or taking any new medication, visit your dentist at your earliest convenience to rule out any red flags that could harm your oral health. Often, common dental conditions like gum disease, cavities, and tooth infections can be treated and that terrible taste will go away shortly after.

Remember, it’s not normal to have a bad taste in your mouth that doesn’t go away with brushing. If you are experiencing anything unpleasant, speak to your dentist about possible causes and appropriate treatment, and soon you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite foods again without the bitter aftertaste!

About Our Practice

At Crossroads Family Dentistry, we provide comfortable care for the whole family. We know that seeing the dentist can be scary for some patients, which is why we go out of our way to make sure that you feel safe and secure during your appointment. Whether you’re visiting us for a general cleaning and exam, a cosmetic procedure, or an urgent oral health matter, you’re in good hands at Crossroads Family Dentistry!

To schedule an urgent appointment, please visit our website or call us today at 434-841-1704.

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