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All on 4 – Forest, VA

Restoring All Your Missing Teeth with Four Implants

Smiling senior man

Patients who have lost an entire row of teeth usually rely on dentures for daily tasks like eating and talking. While these restorations can definitely help make life with missing teeth better, over time they might start to slip and need to be adjusted or replaced. At Crossroads Family Dentistry, we want our patients to get the care they need with as little stress as possible. That’s why we offer the All on 4 procedure; with just four dental implants in Forest, we can give your new dentures additional stability and security, creating a smile that you’ll have no trouble showing off.

How Do All on 4 Implants Work?

All-on-4 Dental Implants

After numbing your mouth, we’ll make some small incisions in your gums so that we can surgically place your four dental implant posts. When using All on 4 in Forest, we’ll place your new implants in precise, strategic locations; the posts near the back will be inserted at a 45-degree angle so that they can benefit from the denser areas near the front of the jaw.

After the surgery, it’ll take some time for your permanent dentures to be made. However, in many cases you can receive some temporary false teeth to fill out your grin in the meantime.

Am I a Candidate for All on 4 Implants?

Smiling senior woman

Dental implants should be considered whenever you’ve suffered tooth loss, and the All on 4 procedure in particular can help patients who have lost all of the pearly whites in their upper or lower jaw. The ideal candidate will have a healthy mouth, so if you have gum disease, it will need to be treated before the surgery. Also, your jawbone will need to be strong enough to bond with and support dental implants; fortunately, the All on 4 technique takes advantage of areas where bone density is highest, so there’s less need for additional procedures like bone grafting.

What are the Benefits of All on 4 Implants?

Smiling senior man checking teeth

There are many advantages offered by the All on 4 procedures that you wouldn’t get from traditional dentures. For example:

All on 4 VS Traditional Implants

The techniques used during the All on 4 procedure will greatly reduce the chances that you’ll need to have a bone grafting procedure, which is often required when placing dental implants the traditional way. Furthermore, normally you’d have to wait a few months for your implants to fuse with your jaw before getting your new teeth, but the All on 4 procedure often lets you receive temporary dentures right away.

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